Tri-Village UV Transmission Main
Villages of Tarrytown, Sleepy Hollow & Briarcliff Manor, NY
AIE performed a feasibility study for a secondary water supply to provide UV treated water and redundancy to the three villages of Tarrytown, Briarcliff Manor and Sleepy Hollow during the extended NYCDEP Catskill Aqueduct shutdown for repairs.
AIE prepared plans and specifications for 2,300 linear feet of 30-inch water main through NYCDEP property to make a connection between the NYCDEP UV Facility and the Villages’ existing transmission water main. One of the greatest challenges AIE faced on this project was working with multiple government agencies, including the three villages, the Town of Greenburgh, NYCDEP, Westchester County Department of Environmental Facilities (WCDEF) and, Westchester County Department of Health (WCDOH) to design the least impactful route for the 30-inch water main bypass through wetlands buffer areas on NYCDEP property.
A comprehensive wetland buffer restoration plan was implemented, and strict construction phase monitoring was conducted to carry out this critical infrastructure project. In addition, the project was coordinated with WCDEF, WCDOH and NYCDEP to formulate an acceptable testing protocol that would not put the NYCDEP UV Treatment Plant water source at risk and would also include additional 48” pipe sections brought online by WCDEF which was simultaneously being constructed. Procedures were developed by AIE and implemented that would isolate and ensure complete separation of the vital water source from non-treated water during testing to the satisfaction of the NYCDEP. AIE provided construction engineering inspection services to ensure quality control and safety protocols during the construction of the pipeline. The project has been completed within budget and within scheduled timeframes.
The project required several approvals and permits including a Planning Board Steep Slope Permit, a Planning Board Wetland/Watercourse Permit, and a Negative Declaration for the SEQRA determination of the Town Board. The Town permitting process resulted in close coordination between AIE and the Town’s Planning Department, and AIE’s familiarity with the objective and preferences of Town staff and Boards.
- Client: Villages of Tarrytown, Sleepy Hollow & Briarcliff Manor
- Duration: 2019-2020
- Project Scope:
- Water transmission design
- Drainage design
- Planning Board and Town Board approvals and required permits
- Wetland buffer restoration
- Intermunicipal project
- Westchester County Department of Health approval
- Water infrastructure construction administration & inspection