This six-year bridge inspection project is for the William S. Ritchie Bridge over the Ohio River in West Virginia. The bridge is located on US-33 and consists of ten spans, a three-span continuous steel through truss and seven continuous steel multi-beam spans with an overall length of 2,716 ft. The Ritchie Bridge not only crosses a navigable waterway but also WV Route 68 and CSX Railroad while bordering Ohio.
AIE coordinated with WVDOH to set-up a single lane closure with an automated flagging system on US-33 allowing the deployment of three (3) inspection teams working concurrently using one 50 ft. UBIT snooper and two (2) JLGs on the topside of the structure while a safety boat remained in the waterway throughout the duration of the inspection. The Ritchie Bridge also spans over WV Route 68 and CSX Railroad. A bucket truck and flagging operation was used on Route 68 while the snooper was deployed over the railroad with a CSX flagger on-site. AIE has frequently coordinated with CSX Railroad in multiple states and is very familiar with the right of entry process and insurance requirements. All team members have completed the federally required railroad safety training. To ensure a safe work zone, team members verify temporary traffic control complies with standards set forth by WVDOH and meets the MUTCD requirements. In addition, coordination efforts included notification of both the US Coast Guard and the Ohio Department of Transportation.
Since the inception of the contract AIE has performed both the biennial routine inspection and the annual fracture critical inspection of the Ritchie Bridge. During every inspection all truss members and fracture critical components of the superstructure have received a hands-on visual inspection. Any suspected cracks in steel are always verified using non-destructive testing methods such as dye penetrant or magnetic particle. The interior of each chord member is routinely accessed by removing every bird cage for a thorough visual inspection to be performed. During the routine inspection, the deck and substructure are inspected both visually and with a chain drag or hammer sounding to carefully document deficiencies. Visual inspection is also performed on non-tension pins and bridge ancillary components which include an overhead sign and multiple luminaires. Vertical and horizontal clearance data is verified at all controlling locations. In addition, channel readings are taken by boat to ensure potential areas of scour are properly monitored.
Inspection findings are reported through Bentley’s AssetWise Inspection and includes component ratings, inventory information, documenting deficiencies in the report narrative and detailed structural sketches, vertical clearance and channel profile sheets, repair recommendations, and photos. Load rating recommendations are made on an as-needed basis. Quality control and assurance measures are taken to ensure the report is thorough and accurate. Electronic delivery of the inspection report is submitted in a timely manner.
- Client: WVDOH
- Duration: 2020-Present
- Project Scope:
- NBIS Inspection
- Fracture Critical
- Maintenance of Traffic
- Railroad Coordination
- Ancillary Inspection
- AssetWise Inspection
- Repair Recommendations
- Load Rating