nysdot biennial & interim bridge inspection, kings & richmond counties
Region 11, ny
AIE is performing the biennial, and interim inspection of complex bridges for NYSDOT’s Region 11, Kings & Richmond Counties. The primary tasks involve physically performing NBIS inspection of approximately 425 bridges (2,200 spans). Scope also involves performing load rating on steel piers caps and columns as well as taking measurements for these items. All elements of the bridge structures are being inspected in accordance with the requirements of NBIS, FHWA, AASHTO, the NYSDOT Bridge Inspection Manual, and the NYSDOT Bridge Inventory manual. Up to 5 inspection teams are being utilized, with special access equipment and lane closures daily. One hundred percent (100%) hands-on inspections are being performed for fracture critical elements, non-redundant members, gusset-plate connections, Category D and E welds, and other bridge elements which require special emphasis or are considered to be susceptible to fatigue or cracking. Extensive coordination is required for permit approvals during the inspection with various agencies such as NYCDOT, NYPD, NYS Parks, USCG, DEEP and SIRT, LIRR, NY&A, ConnRail & NYCT Railroad ROWs.
All inspection, coordination and report work are being done to the highest quality standards, tactical efficiency and technical knowledge using capable, highly qualified and experienced staff. Bridge element conditions are being rated, and flag conditions processed in accordance with the NYSDOT procedural guidelines for bridge inspection. Appropriate flags are being issued when conditions found at the time of inspection are believed to pose potential safety hazards and/or structural deficiencies that could lead to imminent failure. Level I and Level II load rating is being performed for bridges designated by the NYSDOT and in accordance with AASHTOWare Rating (BrR) STAAD.Pro, and FEM software.
Bridge elements are being rated in accordance with the NYSDOT BIM. The work involves the inspection of bridges over creeks, rivers, highways and railroads. Bridge types inspected include moderate to complex multi-span viaduct structures. Material types encountered include reinforced concrete slabs, steel I-girder and box-girders, pre-tensioned and post-tensioned concrete beams, steel-truss, and cable-suspension type structures.
- Client: NYSDOT
- Duration: 2021-Present
- Project Scope:
- NBIS inspection
- Load rating
- Finite Element Modeling (FEM)
- Special Inspection
- Element Level Inspection
- Fracture Critical
- Flags